Year on Deck® – The New Social Currency of School Memories

The Evolution of Keepsakes: From Yearbooks to Year on Deck®

The yearbook captures the static memories of your school years in a beautiful visual format. Year on Deck® comes in to animate those memories, turning them into a social currency among friends and classmates. Both are essential for a rounded recollection of your school days.

Get Social, Get Decked

Year on Deck® has its own app where students can vote for peers in superlative categories. This is not just a keepsake; it’s a community-building activity that adds a layer of social interaction to your school year memories.

Year on Deck®: A Social Keepsake

While yearbooks are often looked at once or twice a year, Year on Deck® invites constant interaction. Use them during game nights, class reunions, or casual hangouts. They’re not just keepsakes; they’re social tools.

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