The Teacher’s Perspective: Year on Deck® and Yearbooks in the Classroom

An Educational Keepsake: More Than Just Memories Yearbooks offer a tangible record of student achievements, classroom events, and school activities. Year on Deck® adds an interactive layer to this, providing students with a hands-on approach to chronicling their year. Teacher Testimonials: A New Tool for Classroom Engagement Hear from educators Continue Reading

Sustainability and Keepsakes: Year on Deck® Joins the Cause

Lasting Memories, Lasting Material Yearbooks have been moving toward digital options and sustainable printing. Year on Deck® cards are 100% plastic, durable, and intended for long-term use. They’re not just environmentally friendly; they’re memory-friendly, too. Year on Deck®: An Eco-Conscious Choice Learn how Year on Deck® aligns with sustainable practices Continue Reading

The Emotional Impact of Keepsakes – Yearbooks and Year on Deck®

Memory Lane: Emotional Journey through Two Mediums Yearbooks tap into the sentimental journey of a student’s academic life through photos and captions. Year on Deck® extends this emotional connection by capturing real-time sentiments and social vibes through its interactive platform. Both make for a comprehensive emotional journey. Case Study: Year Continue Reading